What Are the Different Types of Law

types of law

If you’re a paralegal looking for some new inspiration for your work, or if you’re a law student looking to break out on the path of your specialty early on in your career, then you absolutely should acquaint yourself with some of today’s most popular and compelling types of legal work. These can help spark your enthusiasm for the profession and help you find a job once you’ve made up your mind. There are so many different types of law practices out there. Even more, there are so many different types of legal professionals who practice these different types of law. So, it’s important to know which type of lawyer you want to become as well as what type of clients you’re hoping to find when you look for employment.

Defense law

There are many different types of laws. As a result, these individuals are often called upon to defend their clients’ legal rights in the face of extreme arguments from opposing counsel. Most of these attorneys will not only be able to effectively handle these situations but will also be able to do so in front of a judge and jury as well. That kind of experience makes them well worth hiring, no matter what your particular needs might be.

Offense law

In addition to defending their clients in court, some attorneys choose to go on the offensive when it comes to putting their opponents on trial. Attorneys at a local law firm may even work with clients to put together a highly successful “all-out attack” on their opposition. These legal experts will not only have an understanding of all of the different types of laws that exist but will also understand the best way to use them to get results for their clients. In order to be successful, these professionals must be familiar with all of the options they have available to them. A defense team may include both an inside lawyer and an outside legal team, depending upon what the case involves.

types of law

Criminal defense law

In addition to becoming licensed lawyers also need to obtain formal education in order to become better educated in the different types of laws. A number of different types of law exist, and all of them deal with different types of criminals. Criminal defense lawyers represent those who have been accused of crimes against innocent or uncharged citizens. These lawyers have the skills needed to defeat a case before a jury and to achieve the finest possible outcome for a client’s case. If you have been accused of a crime, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the more time you have to get everything settled.

Statute law

Statute law makes up the majority of the law. It is a body of cases that were enacted into legislation by the parliament. Common law is the body of cases that are governed by rules and regulations prescribed by the constitution and acts of the parliament. All three types of law exist within the jurisdiction of the courts, although the judges have the power to interpret and apply the statutes made by the parliament.


Attorneys who focus primarily on a specific area of law may find themselves working with a variety of clients, depending upon their expertise. Some may specialize in protecting the rights of business owners, while others are responsible for protecting the rights of personal injury victims. When deciding between different types of law-related careers, it is important to understand what type of legal education and training each job requires. Many lawyers begin their careers by attending just a few basic classes in law. Others complete an entire associate degree in the field before moving forward to more sophisticated courses. With a full bachelor’s degree, attorneys can pursue many different types of legal positions.

Once lawyers complete a four-year bachelor’s degree, they may choose to continue on with their education by getting additional licenses to practice in different areas of law-related careers. To qualify, states will require an attorney to pass a state board exam before being able to take the licensing exam. Once he or she passes the exam, he or she will be legally qualified to practice. The requirements to become a lawyer vary from state to state, so it is important to check with your state’s Bar Association to see which certifications are required. Some states allow lawyers to be licensed to practice without taking the exam, but most states require lawyers to take the exam if they want to practice in that particular state.